@extends('voyager::master') @section('page_title', __('voyager::generic.viewing').' '.__('voyager::generic.settings')) @section('css') @stop @section('page_header')

{{ __('voyager::generic.settings') }}

@stop @section('content')
@if(isset($storageErrorMessage) && $storageErrorMessage !== false)
{{__("Warning!")}} {{__("The last storage settings you provided are invalid. Storage driver will reverted to local storage.")}}
{{__("Last error received:")}}
@endif @if(isset($emailsErrorMessage) && $emailsErrorMessage !== false)
{{__("Warning!")}} {{__("The email driver settings you provided are invalid. Email driver will reverted to logs.")}}
{{__("Last error received:")}}
{{ method_field("PUT") }} {{ csrf_field() }}

Product license code

Your product license key. Can be taken out of your Codecanyon downloads page.

LiveSmart Settings

Few general notes about generating themes.
  • The themes are generated on a remote server. Timings may vary but it might take between 20-40s for a run.
  • Regular license holders can generate 5 themes per day.
  • If zip extension is available on the server, the theme will be updated automatically.
  • If the extension is not available, you will need to upload the archive you'll be getting onto the following directory : public/css/theme.
  • When updating your site, remember to backup your public/css/theme folder and restore it after the update.

License code

Your product license key. Can be taken out of your Codecanyon downloads page.

Primary color code

Theme primary color hex code. EG: #cb0c9f

Gradient color start from

Theme's primary gradient - start from, color hex code. EG: #7928CA

Gradient color ends on

Theme's primary gradient - ends on, color hex code. EG: #FF0080

Include RTL versions

Choose if RTL version of the theme should be generated or not. If enabled, theme generation time will increase.
@foreach($settings as $group => $group_settings)
@if($group == 'Emails')
You can use any SMTP you have access to or mailgun API. Full info can be found over the documentation .
@endif @if($group == 'Social login') @endif
@if($group == 'ReCaptcha')
You can get your API Keys from this link. More info at the documentation .
@endif @if($group == 'Payments')
The payment system requires cronjobs so you can easily setup them by using the following line:
  • * * * * * cd {{base_path()}} && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
For cPanel based installations, you can remove the {root} username out of the command above.
Before setting up the payment processors, please also give the docs section a read.
In order to be able to receive payment updates from Paypal, please use these webhooks endpoints:
  • {{route('paypal.payment.update')}}
Before setting up the payment processors, please also give the docs section a read.
In order to be able to receive payment updates from Stripe, please use these webhooks endpoints:
  • {{route('stripe.payment.update')}}
Before setting up the payment processors, please also give the docs section a read.
In order to be able to receive payment updates from Coinbase, please use these webhooks endpoints:
  • {{route('coinbase.payment.update')}}
In order to use CCBill as payment provider you'll need the following endpoints:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('ccBill.payment.update')}}
  • Approval & Denial URL: {{route('payment.checkCCBillPaymentStatus')}}
In order to use Paystack as payment provider you'll need the following endpoints:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('paystack.payment.update')}}
  • Callback URL: {{route('payment.checkPaystackPaymentStatus')}}
In order to use Mercado as payment provider you'll need the following endpoint:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('mercado.payment.update')}}
In order to use NowPayments as payment provider you'll need the following endpoint:
  • IPN Callback URL: {{route('nowPayments.payment.update')}}

Payment processor

@endif @foreach($group_settings as $setting)

{{ $setting->display_name }} @if(config('voyager.show_dev_tips'))getSetting('{{ $setting->key }}')@endif

@if ($setting->type == "text") @elseif($setting->type == "text_area") @elseif($setting->type == "rich_text_box") @elseif($setting->type == "code_editor")
{{ $setting->value ?? '' }}
@elseif($setting->type == "image" || $setting->type == "file") @if(isset( $setting->value ) && !empty( $setting->value ) && Storage::disk(config('voyager.storage.disk'))->exists($setting->value))
@elseif($setting->type == "file" && isset( $setting->value )) @if(json_decode($setting->value) !== null) @foreach(json_decode($setting->value) as $file) @endforeach @endif @endif @elseif($setting->type == "select_dropdown") @elseif($setting->type == "radio_btn")
    @if(isset($options->options)) @foreach($options->options as $index => $option)
  • @endforeach @endif
@elseif($setting->type == "checkbox") @if (isset($options->on) && isset($options->off)) @else @endif @endif
key}}> {{$settingDetails->description}}
@endif @if(!$loop->last)
key}}> @endif @endforeach
@stop @section('javascript')
{{ csrf_field() }}